Monday, August 3, 2009

Coming this fall to a celebrity news site near you

Samantha Burke, the soon-to-be mother of Jude Law’s fourth child, held a press conference over the weekend, asking reporters for privacy during this time. At first sound, that may strike most as a counterproductive tactic, but allow me to break it down. I am a Burke myself, so I understand these things. Not to mention I was brought up on this stuff; I have hours and hours of reading, watching, and analyzing celebrity news under my belt. Naturally, I bring the kind of much-needed insight to these things that Rachel Nichols does to her ESPN interviews.

So here’s how it works. As her seasoned lawyer pointed out in the statement he read, Samantha Burke has been getting constant requests for interviews from every media outlet. And tabloid magazine. And why wouldn’t she? With the on-going health care debate on Capitol Hill; bracing ourselves for the next phase of the recession; the political unrest everywhere from Iraq to Pakistan, Iran to Afghanistan; nothing interests Americans more than Jude Law—what’s more, Jude Law’s ex-love interest who is now having his baby.

I know, I know. I am being unfair. Healthcare and Jude Law: apples and oranges. You can’t compare them. But even under the heading of celebrity news, who cares? This isn’t TomKat or Bradgelina. A press conference announcing Angelina’s decision to adopt three kids from Compton I could understand. But who does this woman think she is? Heidi Montag?

Oh, the burden of being wanted. It’s like being the popular girl in high school. When those lesser guys would follow you around, their mouths open, metaphorically drooling all over you. And like those guys, the media just doesn’t take the hint when you send them mixed messages. You have to gather them around to tell them to stop gathering around. Only an idiot wouldn’t get the point.

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