Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Why Rhode Tripping?

I wanted a versatile blog—one that would allow me to express my varied interests.

I wanted an outlet where I could share my opinions on some of the restaurants, cafes, and eateries in town. So much is out there but so little of it is worth the money. Regardless of the experience, I like talking about it. Either it’s great and I want to tell people, “Go here,” or it sucked, and I have to get it off my chest.

I wanted to ruminate on the environment and all things eco-friendly. There’s a lot of talk about it, but not a lot of meaningful things being said. Turning off the lights, driving as little as possible, turning the thermostat down two degrees in winter, these are all obvious things we do because none of us want to spend more money than necessary. However, when it comes to organic apples and organic lotion, it doesn’t cost less to go green, it costs more. Then again, with the tomato and jalapeño pepper recalls last year, we start thinking, “Maybe it’s worth it.” The recession highlights the complexity of the issue at hand: the economics versus the environment. What is worth it and where do you draw the line?

I also wanted to leave room for the oddball topics that I couldn’t not blog about. Politics is not something I have a great interest in writing about, but on occasion something happens that I feel compelled to write about. Same is true for a lot of other things.

Rhode Tripping was born. The double pun allowed me to cohesively bring together my various interests under the same umbrella. First: road tripping in Rhode Island; second: trippin’ on anything, but doing it while living in Rhode Island.

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